Saturday, March 21, 2009

specifically NOTcute overload

I knew it was coming and now its happened. I've spread myself way too thin. I want to be good and charitable - going to the humane society and taking care of my responsibilities, but I have this sneaking suspicion that I'm about to watch a rerun of house and then fall back asleep until work. hmm.
I'm just so tired and sick of my fucking job , I need a break. I deserve a break. I can't wait for summer. Summer won't be an absolute release free from my daily hum-drum, but it will be a major change of pace and location and won't include cafe gardens. Woody and I will be living with mama cindy during the summer months, something I haven't really done in 4 years and something woody has never done. I can't speak for the both of us, but I know that I'm excited.
Let the countdown begin - god speed, may!

Also, for some reason, woody just spread his cat litter all around the room and onto a pile of clothes I just washed. not cute, woody.

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